
Mazapan Bi-Weekly October 14th

Character Counts! Week Starts Next Week Please join us and the entire school community wearing a shirt of a different color each day. These colors represent one of our 6 Pillars of Character. (See the calendar below). Also, help our students with the pillar action of the day assigned to their grade. Take a picture of them demonstrating how they practice the pillar and send it to the homeroom teacher. We will choose a couple of pictures to share it on the school’s social media.        Semana de Carácter Cuenta! comienza la próxima semana Únanse a nosotros y a toda la comunidad escolar vistiendo una camiseta de un color diferente cada día. Estos colores representan uno de nuestros 6 pilares de carácter. (Vea el calendario a continuación). Además, ayude a nuestros estudiantes con la acción principal del día asignado a su grado. Tome una foto de ellos demostrando cómo practican el pilar y envíela a su maestro de aula. Elegiremos las mejores imágenes para compartirlas en las redes sociales de la escuela. MAP Testing Makeups   Reposiciones de Exámenes MAP Parent Teacher Conferences No classes for students. Conferencias de padres y maestros No hay clases para estudiantes. Counselor's Corner During this covid-19 crisis, DOLE reminds us we should not only take care of our physical health, but also dedicate time to care for our emotional wellbeing and that of our loved ones.  Follow these 10 tips to improve your Emotional intelligence.   El rincón de consejería  En estos tiempos de crisis ocasionada por el covid-19, DOLE nos recuerda que no sólo debemos cuidar nuestra salud física, si no de igual manera debemos ocuparnos de nuestra salud emocional y la de nuestros seres queridos.  Siga estos 10 consejos para mejorar su inteligencia emocional.

About the School

Mazapan School is a Nursery-12 co-educational bilingual school Founded in 1928 and located in La Ceiba, Honduras, offers an U.S.-style college preparatory instruction program. The students attending Mazapan School become fluent in both English and Spanish and receive a U.S. High School diploma and a Honduran Baccalaureate degree.

Address and phone numbers

Mazapan School
6th Street, Beckman Avenue
Zona Mazapan
La Ceiba, Honduras
Phone: +(504) 2443-2716
+(504) 2443-1001 ext 2600