Mazapan School appreciates each child’s uniqueness and encourages both the self-confidence to explore creatively and the discipline necessary for learning. We expect our students to understand that character and honor are as important, if not more important, than intelligence. The Honor Code provides a strong guideline for our Mazapan School students.
- I will tell the truth.
- I will only turn in work that is my own.
- I will wait for others to finish speaking before I speak.
- I will raise my hand and wait quietly to be called on.
- I will use polite language and manners.
- I will take care of school materials and property.
- I will not take things without the owner’s permission.
- I will listen attentively.
- I will invite others to join in games.
- I will make other students feel welcome.
- I will consider other people’s feelings and appreciate their differences.
- I will not bully or allow others to be bullied.
- I will put all my garbage in the trash bin and pick up other garbage that I see.
Be Prepared
- I will have my materials organized and ready.
- I will keep my desk clean and orderly.
- I will have my parents sign school communications.
- I will do my homework to the best of my ability and turn it in on time.
- I will be on time for class, and all other school activities.
- I will pay my debts on time.
- I will share my knowledge during class discussions.
- I will make positive suggestions to my classmates and teacher.
- I will participate willingly in activities and chores.
- I will work and play cooperatively
As a student of Mazapan School, I will conduct myself in a respectable manner and always adhere to the principles of the Honor Code.
One of the most vital goals of the educational system is to develop students who make a significant contribution to society. At Mazapan School, each student is committed to act with honesty and integrity, and respect school rules, the law, and other people. Therefore, in order to enroll at Mazapan School, each student commits to abide by the following Honor Code:
- I will be honest and ethical in my academic pursuits and all other school activities.
- I will do my work individually, without assistance, on all tests, quizzes, and assignments requiring individual preparation.
- I will respect the property of others by not stealing, vandalizing or taking anything that doesn’t belong to me.
- I will treat others with respect and courtesy, and will be open to the ideas, beliefs, cultures and individual differences of others.
- I will respect the privilege of education and will not interfere in the educational process in the classroom or elsewhere.
Illegal or Inappropriate Activities
- I will respect the law and school regulations.
- I will avoid behavior that might be detrimental to the best interests or reputation of Mazapan School.
Financial Obligations
- I will meet my financial obligations to the school.
- I will take proper care of textbooks and other school property, and agree to compensate for any damage or loss of property that I incur.
Dress and Grooming Standards
- I will wear the school uniform properly at all times, in and out of school.
Code of Conduct
- I will comply with the Code of Conduct as outlined in the Student/Parent Manual.
- I will do my part to keep the school clean.
- I will assume the responsibility of picking up my trash and any other trash that I see.
Civic Duty
- I will comply with my civic duties by showing respect toward national symbols and participating with dignity in all civic assemblies and activities.
As a student of Mazapan School, I will conduct myself in a respectable manner and always adhere to the principles of the Honor Code.