Language Arts
Students continue the development of foundational skills, word recognition, fluency, and vocabulary The emphasis is more on independent reading,at school and at home, .The reading will be longer, and for some students it will include age-appropriate chapter books. Language development will focus on oral, listening, and writing skills.Dramatizations and retelling of stories will help develop their oral and listening skills. Through story development: beginning, middle, end, they will write longer and more complex sentences.
(1) extending understanding of base-ten notation;represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, add and subtract within 20, work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication.
(2) building fluency with addition and subtraction; understand place value, use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
(3) using standard units of measure; and measure and estimate lengths in standard units, relate addition and subtraction to length, work with time and money, represent data.
(4) describing and analyzing shapes, reason with shapes and their attributes.
Health Science:Students learn to choose foods that will keep them healthy
Life Science: Diversity of Living Things, What Plants Need, Animal and Plant Dependence
Earth Science: Properties and States of Matter, Quick Changes to The purpose of the Second Grade Social Studies curriculum is to introduce the concept of communities, which is defined as a collection of families and individuals who work, live, and play in a particular area. Students will learn to identify communities as groups in the urban, suburban, and rural settings. Through a study of communities the students will learn ideas and skills that can be used to compare their communities with communities throughout the United States and the world.Land, Slow Changes to Land, Mapping our World, Effects of Wind and Water, Forms of Water on Earth.
Physical Science: Purposes of Properties, Building Blocks of Matter, Changes from Heat, Properties and States of Matter
Social Studies
The purpose of the Second Grade Social Studies curriculum is to extend upon the concept of communities, Students will learn to identify communities as groups in the urban, and rural settings. Through a study of communities, the students will learn ideas and skills that can be used to compare their communities with communities throughout the world.
En el programa de Español de 2do grado se le da énfasis a las destrezas de la comunicación, lectura y escritura. Aplican la gramática del idioma al leer y escribir. Demuestran comprensión de la lectura, escriben diferentes tipos de texto, utilizan vocabulario y oportunidades de expresarse oralmente. Leen textos fluidamente de acuerdo a su nivel; utilizan con diversos propósitos textos narrativos, descriptivos, expositivos y persuasivos, tanto literarios como funcionales e informativos, de varias fuentes como libros, medios masivos de comunicación.
Estudios Sociales
Conocen el departamento donde viven, incluyendo el pasado, presente y futuro. Los hechos geográficos del municipio y departamento. Relación con su medio social y natural Comprende los aspectos relacionados con el ser humano. Las relaciones interpersonales y a convivir en armonía. Reconocen su identidad y comprenden el sentimiento de pertenencia hacia Honduras, sus tradiciones, cívicas, valores, próceres y símbolos patrios. Descubren el impacto ambiental, social y económico que provocan las actividades que realiza la población de su departamento.
Students explore Art through free expression and technique based projects..
Students will be able to identify and respect personal space. Correct locomotor movements will also be identified and performed at varying speeds. Students will also continue to develop simple skills behind a variety of sports.
Students learn to experience and love the music through different activities building up the skills and abilities required to perform a melodic instrument. In the Music Room we keep reading and playing music notes, play music games, and sing a diverse repertoire among others.
Students learn intermediate computer terminology and logging into school computers. Building upon the importance of internet privacy and password protection, students learn to navigate to web-based programs and login to their personal accounts. Students begin to identify home row keys, correct typing posture, and using 10 fingers for typing.